Welcome to our ultimate guide for new pet Sheep owners! Whether you’re welcoming your first sheep or adding another ovine friend to your flock, this new pet sheep checklist includes everything you need to get started. From must-have sheep supplies to our product recommendations, we aim to make your journey as a sheep owner smooth and delightful. Let’s explore how you can create a nurturing and secure environment for your new woolly companion. Do not forget to read this in conjunction with our Sheep Care Guide Woolly Wisdom (if you click the SHEEP photo you can access this easily!) REMEMBER THAT WE WOULD ALWAYS RECOMMEND THAT SHEEP ARE KEPT AS A FLOCK WITH A MINIMUM OF TWO!

  1. SUITABLE Fencing

Here at Elkadiri Mini Farm we prefer to use Goat and Sheep Fence Panels as these are rigid panels designed specifically for small livestock. They have no sharp edges and are constructed to prevent injuries. They are sturdy and tall enough to prevent sheep, particularly those with horns from pushing through. We really love this business based in the Lake District - Fowrass Fabrication


Sheep need shelter to protect them from extreme weather conditions such as heavy rain, wind, and intense sun. Shelter helps keep them dry, reduces the risk of illness, and provides a safe place during lambing. Proper housing should be well-ventilated, dry, and spacious enough to accommodate the flock comfortably. Providing shelter ensures the health and well-being of the sheep throughout the year.

The Arbor Garden Solutions 12ft x 12ft Mobile Animal Field Shelter is ideal for sheep due to its sturdy construction and mobility. The pent roof design ensures effective rain runoff, keeping the interior dry. The skids allow for easy relocation, providing fresh grazing areas and reducing wear on the land. Its spacious size accommodates multiple pet sheep, ensuring ample room for movement and comfort. Additionally, its robust materials protect against harsh weather, making it a durable and practical shelter choice for sheep owners.


Heygates Multistock is great for sheep because it offers a balanced blend of essential nutrients tailored for multiple livestock types, including sheep. It provides high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals that support overall health, growth, and wool production. The feed is formulated to ensure optimal digestion and energy levels, which is crucial for the well-being of sheep. Additionally, its palatability encourages consistent intake, making it an excellent daily feed option.


Sheep typically require 2-4 pounds of hay per adult sheep per day, but this can vary based on factors like pasture quality and nutritional needs. Pregnant or lactating ewes and growing lambs may require more hay. Monitoring the condition of the sheep and adjusting hay amounts accordingly ensures they receive adequate nutrition without becoming overweight. We would recommend buying quality Hay from your local farmer or Farm Supply Shop. You can search Facebook Marketplace to easily find a good supplier. What we would recommend is the Shire Bale Tidy to put your bale of Hay in when transporting from the Farm Supply shop as it stops your vehicle becoming covered in Hay and is great to store your hay in at home also!

5. mineral block

Horslyx Smallholder Block is great for sheep because it provides essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements that support overall health and productivity. Its convenient form allows easy access for sheep and ensures they receive a balanced nutritional supplement, particularly useful during times of limited forage availability or increased nutritional demands.

6. storey’s guide to raising sheep BOOK

Storey's Guide to Raising Sheep is an excellent resource for new sheep owners because it offers comprehensive and practical guidance on all aspects of sheep care, from choosing breeds to managing health and nutrition. Its clear and accessible format makes it easy for beginners to understand and implement essential techniques for successful sheep husbandry.


We no longer randomly treat for worms because overuse of dewormers can lead to parasite resistance, and instead, obtaining a fecal test from a vet allows for targeted treatment based on the specific parasite load, promoting more effective parasite management while minimizing the risk of resistance development. We regularly use Verm-X for sheep because it offers a natural alternative to conventional dewormers, containing herbs that are believed to support gastrointestinal health and help control internal parasites sheep.


Sheep generally need their feet trimmed every 6-10 weeks, although this can vary depending on factors such as the breed of sheep, the terrain they are on, and their individual hoof growth rate. Regular trimming helps prevent overgrowth, which can lead to discomfort, lameness, and other hoof problems. It's important to monitor the condition of their hooves regularly and trim them as needed to maintain good hoof health. You may need a comb or brush for removing dirt and debris from their wool, especially during shedding seasons.


Sheep owners may need disposable gloves for tasks such as administering medication, assisting with lambing, or handling chemicals like disinfectants, to protect both the sheep and themselves from potential infections or contamination. Gloves also help maintain hygiene standards and prevent the transmission of diseases between animals and humans.


Sheep need Himalayan salt lick because it provides essential minerals like sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are necessary for maintaining overall health, especially in regions where the soil may be deficient in these minerals. Additionally, salt licks help regulate the sheep's hydration levels and encourage water consumption, which is crucial for their well-being, particularly during hot weather or when they're on dry forage diets.


The Breuaily Large Hay Rack is beneficial for sheep because it helps minimize hay wastage by keeping the hay contained and off the ground, reducing contamination and spoilage. Additionally, it provides easy access to hay for the sheep while allowing them to feed comfortably and promoting natural grazing behavior, leading to improved digestion and overall herd health.


In the UK, keeping a sheep record book is mandatory as per your CPH (County Parish Holding) to maintain a comprehensive record of sheep movements, births, deaths, and medications administered, ensuring compliance with traceability regulations and facilitating disease control measures. This record-keeping is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the food chain, safeguarding public health, and enabling efficient disease surveillance and outbreak response within the sheep farming sector.


As a new sheep owner, iodine is crucial for safely treating newborn lambs' umbilical cords to prevent infections and ensure their health. Additionally, having a thermometer on hand allows me to monitor my sheep's health closely, especially during sickness or pregnancy, helping me catch any potential issues early for proper care. New sheep owners are best advised to use an expert for shearing to ensure the process is done safely and efficiently, minimizing the risk of injury to both the sheep and themselves. Shearing should typically be done in the spring or early summer to remove excess wool before warmer weather, preventing heat stress and promoting the sheep's comfort and health.


The best water trough for sheep is typically made of durable materials like galvanized steel or high-density polyethylene (HDPE), ensuring longevity and resistance to damage from weather and sheep activity. Look for a trough with rounded edges to prevent injury, and choose a size that accommodates the number of sheep in your herd adequately, ensuring they have easy access to clean, fresh water at all times. Additionally, consider features like drainage plugs and mounting options for convenience and stability.


Sheep enjoy scratching posts because they help relieve itching and remove loose wool and debris from their coats, promoting better hygiene and comfort. Additionally, scratching posts provide a form of enrichment and stimulation for sheep, contributing to their overall well-being and reducing boredom-related behaviors.

16. TOYS

While not an absolute necessity, providing toys or enrichment items for sheep can be beneficial for their mental stimulation and overall well-being. Toys like hanging balls or feeders can help alleviate boredom, especially during periods of confinement or when access to pasture is limited. Additionally, toys can encourage natural behaviors like exploration and play, which can contribute to a healthier and happier flock. Offering toys like the Jolly Ball can greatly benefit sheep by providing mental stimulation and reducing boredom. The Jolly Ball's durable design makes it suitable for outdoor environments, and its bouncing action can engage sheep in playful behavior, promoting physical activity and enhancing their overall well-being.


Early mornings with the sheep might leave you bleary-eyed, but with a reusable thermal coffee cup in hand, you'll be ready to tackle the day's woolly adventures with a warm sip and a cheeky grin.