Welcome to our ultimate guide for New Pet Poultry owners! Whether you’re welcoming your first chicken or expanding your flock, this new pet chicken keeping checklist has everything you need to get started. From essential poultry supplies to our top product recommendations, we aim to make your journey as a new chicken owner smooth and delightful. Let’s explore how you can create a nurturing and secure environment for your new feathered friends.. Do not forget to read this in conjunction with our Chicken Care Guide Egg-cellent Poultry for Happy Hens and Crowing Roos (if you click the CHICKEN photo you can access this easily!)

  1. GRIT

Chickens need grit to help grind and digest their food, as they lack teeth. Feathers & Beaky Chicken Grit produces strong bones and shells while aiding digestion, ensuring your chickens stay healthy and productive.


At Elkadiri Mini Farm, we love the Harris 1000263 Free Range Galvanized Double Wall Poultry Drinker for its superior durability and weather resistance compared to plastic versions, ensuring it lasts longer and performs better in extreme temperatures. Its double-wall design maintains a constant water level and reduces contamination, making it easy to clean and maintain for our chickens..


A galvanized steel chicken feeder is preferred here at Elkadiri Mini Farm for its durability and resistance to rust and corrosion, ensuring longevity even in harsh outdoor conditions. Its sturdy construction provides reliable protection for feed, making it a dependable choice for maintaining the quality of poultry feed and minimizing wastage.

The plastic cheaper feeders are also okay because they are lightweight and easy to handle, making them convenient for smaller operations or temporary setups. Additionally, they can be cost-effective alternatives for those on a budget without compromising basic functionality.

You'll absolutely adore the Jake's Farm Yard Galvanized Steel Small Chicken & Poultry Feeder with its adorable chicken cutout! It adds a delightful charm to your farmyard while serving as a handy identifier for the feeder. Plus, its practical design allows for easy monitoring of feed levels, making it a must-have for any poultry setup.

4. rodent-proof container for feed storage

Here at Elkadiri Mini Farm we often use the Invopak 70L Black Bin with Lockable Lid, made from 100% recycled plastic, as it offers excellent durability and weather resistance, ensuring optimal protection for poultry grain stored outdoors. Its lockable lid provides added security against pests, making it an ideal choice for keeping poultry feed safe and fresh in outdoor environments. It means we can keep the feed near to where we keep our chickens, it is weather resistant and it is rodent proof!

5. chicken coop, PERCHES AND NESTBOXES

A walk-in chicken run is ideal for you because it allows easy access for checking on chickens and cleaning the coop. Its spacious and enclosed design simplifies maintenance tasks and ensures a comfortable environment for both the flock and yourself. Predator-proofing is crucial, so ensure all openings are securely fastened to prevent access from predators such as foxes, badgers and birds of prey. Additionally, a roof is preferable to stop birds of prey and further enhance the coop's protection.

To provide a run we often create a run through linking together suitable Harris fencing and then add roofing. If you have less space you can consider a large walk in dog run also! We then add our Coop, perches and Nesting boxes inside. We recommend the brand Omlet for chicken keepers due to its well-designed, durable, and easy-to-clean coops that provide excellent protection and comfort for hens​.

We would normally follow the size guideline of a minimum of 1 square meter per bird; and for ex-free-range hens a minimum of 2 square meters per bird, plus additional free-ranging time daily for their comfort and health.

The British Hen Welfare Trust (BHWT) recommends providing one nest box for every 4-5 hens to ensure they have adequate space and comfort for laying eggs. Additionally, nest boxes should be kept clean, dry, and well-ventilated to maintain the hens' health and well-being.

With regards to perches, each bird should have a minimum of 25 cm of perch space to allow them to roost comfortably at night. Additionally, perches should be designed to suit the natural roosting habits of chickens, being smooth and appropriately sized to prevent foot injuries. ​For a safe and natural chicken perch, you can use untreated wooden branches or logs of appropriate diameter and length, ensuring they are securely fastened to prevent wobbling or tipping. Avoid using chemically treated wood or materials that could harm your chickens.

When buying a coop, buy larger than your current needs to allow for flock expansion. For instance, if you plan to keep four hens, buy a coop designed for six.


Chickens primarily feed on commercial chicken feed, available in various forms such as pellets, crumbles, or mash, tailored to their age and purpose. Additionally, they benefit from scratch grains, a mix of corn, wheat, and barley, which provide energy and encourage natural foraging behaviors. These two food sources, supplemented with fresh vegetables, fruits, insects, and calcium sources, ensure a balanced diet for optimal chicken health and productivity.

We often get our scratch grains from our nearby farmer, but Extra Select Mixed Corn Poultry Feed is also an excellent addition to pellets, crumbs, or mash as it provides nutritional variety, energy, and encourages natural foraging behaviors in chickens.

Chickens typically start eating chick crumbs from hatch until about 6-8 weeks old to support their rapid growth and development, then transition to grower feed until they reach around 16-20 weeks, providing essential nutrients for healthy muscle and skeletal development. Once they reach point of lay, usually around 18-20 weeks, chickens switch to layer feed formulated with higher calcium levels to support eggshell formation and overall reproductive health so choose the right feed for your new pet chickens age!


You need to buy chicken bedding because it provides a comfortable and hygienic environment for your flock, helping to absorb moisture, control odors, and reduce the risk of respiratory issues. Dengie Fresh Bed is an excellent choice for chicken bedding because it's made from natural, dust-free straw that's been chopped and treated to create a clean, soft, and absorbent bedding material, ensuring your chickens stay healthy and happy. Try different types to find what works best for you, your chickens and your climate.


The best calcium supplement for chickens is crushed oyster shells because they provide a natural and readily available source of calcium, essential for eggshell formation and overall skeletal health. Chickens need calcium to ensure strong and durable eggshells, reducing the risk of thin or brittle shells that can lead to egg breakage and calcium deficiencies in the flock. Incorporating crushed oyster shells into their diet supports optimal egg production and maintains the health of laying hens.


A new chick owner needs to buy chick-specific items such as a brooder heat lamp to maintain the chicks' warmth, and chick feeders and waterers designed for their size to ensure easy access to food and water, promoting healthy growth and development. Additionally, chick-specific bedding, like pine shavings or our favourite explained below, is essential for providing a clean and comfortable environment conducive to their well-being.

The Supa Chick Trough Feeder is excellent for feeding chicks because its design allows for easy access to feed while minimizing spillage, promoting efficient feeding and reducing waste (baby chicks waste alot of food!)

A ceramic bowl with marbles in it is great for chicks' water because it prevents them from drowning by providing a shallow water surface, while the marbles also discourage splashing and contamination, ensuring a clean and safe water source for the chicks.

When we are lucky enough to have chicks, we have found that Riverbed sand is great for a chick's enclosure because it provides a natural substrate that mimics their environment, allowing for comfortable scratching and dust bathing behaviors while aiding in waste absorption and odor control, promoting a clean and hygienic living space for the chicks. We then add a layer of Dengie fresh bed to the top of the sand (PLEASE NOTE - Normal sand can be harmful to chicks because it's often coarse and abrasive, leading to potential irritation or injury to their delicate skin and respiratory systems. Additionally, untreated sand may contain bacteria or parasites that could pose health risks to young chicks)

10. EGG STORAGE and collection

Attention new chicken owners: while your feathered friends are busy laying eggs, you might find yourself in a scramble without proper egg storage! Trust me, nothing ruins your sunny-side-up morning like a cracked egg or a mysterious disappearance act. Investing in egg storage isn't just about keeping your fridge tidy; it's about safeguarding those precious orbs of protein-packed goodness. So, whether you're whipping up an omelette fit for a king or practicing your egg juggling skills (no judgment here), having a designated egg storage solution ensures that your egg-cellent creations stay intact and your breakfast dreams remain sunny side up!

You'll absolutely love joeji's Kitchen Rotating Egg Holder Storage Rack with its ingenious design and practical features! It's a must-have for your kitchen, featuring a non-slip base and a spiral space-saving egg skelter basket that can hold nearly 3 dozen eggs. It’s design means that the oldest egg is always the first egg you use!

We have also added a link for Supa Egg Boxes, 24-Piece, Traditional Fibre Egg Box, 100% Recyclable And Biodegradable as you will likely be wanting to share your wealth of chicken eggs with friends and family like we do!

We adore the Wrenbury Mushroom Foraging Basket Wicker because it's our savior from the egg-cracking chaos in our pockets, sparing us from that awkward scramble dance. With its charming wicker design, it's like carrying a tiny, stylish chicken coop on our arm, making egg collection a cluckin' good time!

11. not essential - but everyone loves a treat!

Dried mealworms are fantastic for chickens because they're a highly nutritious and protein-rich treat that mimics their natural diet, promoting strong feathers, healthy growth, and overall vitality. Additionally, they're convenient to store and serve, making them an excellent choice for rewarding good behavior or simply adding variety to their diet, keeping your feathered friends clucking with delight! Protein in mealworms increases chicken egg production because it provides essential amino acids necessary for egg formation and development. As a high-quality protein source, mealworms support the health and reproductive functions of laying hens, encouraging them to produce more eggs with optimal nutritional content. Additionally, the amino acids in mealworms contribute to stronger eggshells and overall egg quality, leading to improved productivity in the flock.

Besides mealworms, other protein-rich treats like cooked eggs, yogurt, and cottage cheese can be offered to chickens to support their growth and overall health.


Cleaning out a chicken coop typically requires a few essential tools:

  1. Shovel or Scoop: A sturdy shovel or scoop is essential for removing soiled bedding, droppings, and debris from the coop floor and nesting boxes.

  2. Broom and Dustpan: A broom and dustpan are handy for sweeping out remaining debris and dust, ensuring a clean environment for the chickens.

  3. Gloves: Wearing gloves is advisable to protect your hands from potential bacteria and parasites present in chicken droppings and bedding material.

  4. Bucket or Wheelbarrow: A bucket or wheelbarrow is useful for transporting removed bedding and waste to a compost pile or disposal area.

  5. Brush or Scrubber: A brush or scrubber may be needed to clean surfaces such as roosts, nesting boxes, and coop walls to remove stubborn dirt and buildup.

  6. Disinfectant: A mild disinfectant or poultry-safe cleaner can be used to sanitize surfaces after cleaning to help prevent the spread of pathogens and maintain a hygienic coop environment.

Having these tools on hand will make the task of cleaning out a chicken coop more efficient and ensure the health and well-being of your flock.


In the UK, footbaths are often recommended as a biosecurity measure for chicken keepers to prevent the spread of diseases such as avian influenza and salmonella. While there are no specific regulations mandating the use of footbaths, it's advisable for chicken keepers to implement them as part of good biosecurity practices. The footbath solution typically consists of a disinfectant approved for use in poultry farming, and individuals should follow manufacturer instructions and relevant guidance from organizations like the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) to ensure proper usage.


For a chicken dust bath, you can use fine dust, Poultry safe sand, or finely sifted soil, providing a natural substrate for chickens to clean themselves. Optionally, diatomaceous earth can be mixed in to help control parasites like mites and lice. Ensure the area or container is sheltered and easily accessible for the chickens to indulge in their dust bathing behavior, promoting their overall health and well-being. Here at Elkadiri Mini Farm we often use an old tyre and fill it with soil and a dusting of Diatomaceous earth (FOOD GRADE) and Dengie Fresh Bed!